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Ecological Exploration

Eurasian teal

Birds | Anatidae
Anas crecca


The Eurasian teal is the smallest among the duck species. The male has a chestnut brown head and is dark green from around the eye to the back of the head. The male’s body also has a white stripe on the sides, as well as black undertail coverts and a yellow triangular patch. The female is dark brown from head to toe.
Habits: The Eurasian teal feeds on aquatic plants, rice, and plant seeds. It also eats small snails such as river snails and channeled apple snails.
Winter/Common; Body length: 39 cm
Birdwatching period: October-March


The Eurasian teal is active in estuaries, sandbars, lakes, and marshes.


  • (圖書) 吳自強、黃淑華、羅美玉,高美濕地飛羽,台中,2014。